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BayGreen in the News

Here's some of the recent articles and doings of the BayGreen Clean Team . . .

Keeping the poop out of the Bay | San Francisco Chronicle
If you call Dan Augustine's business phone and get a recording, you'll hear him say this: "Your No. 2 is our No. 1."...
Boaters Can Help Keep Sewage ouf of the Bay | BayKeeper
. . . Either use a stationary pump-out system regularly or contract with a mobile pump-out service such as BayGreen...
Local Firm Helps Boaters Dump a Bad Habit | BayCrossings
It was then that Augustine recognized an opportunity to help preserve the Bay for future generations and earn a living by offering dockside pump-outs to fellow boat owners...
America's Cup Spurs Interest in Bay Cleanup | SF Gate
Aside from increasing public awareness about the problem, there's talk of putting dye tablets in boat sewage tanks and promoting mobile pump-out services such as BayGreen . . . ...
Honey Pot Day | SFEP | CAHM&PC Slack Tide
. . . the San Francisco Estuary Partnership with the Department of Boating and Waterways has conducted two Honey Pot Days, contracting with BayGreen Marine Sanitation for both events to provide excellent service to boaters...
Untreated Raw Sewage Continues to Plague Bay Area Marinas | BayCrossings
. . . SFEP in partnership with BayGreen, has recently established a program to educate boaters regarding the environmental impact of illegal dumping while offering them free dockside pump outs....
The "Green" Column | Emery Cove | CAHM&PC Slack Tide
. . . BayGreen has been instrumental in . . . working with agencies on committees, offering pump out repair service to marina operators to keep broken pump outs up and running, and creating easy-to-use online tools for both boat owners and marina operators. ...
District to Apply for Pump Station Grant | Half Moon Bay Review
. . . a mobile pump-out system implemented at the Berkeley Marina. Known at the docks as a "honeysucker," that 20-foot boat goes to vessels that need to be pumped out. . . . Each slip holder gets one free pump-out per month . . . ...